Year 8 Enterprise Day

Selby High School became a hub of enterprising activity on Tuesday 19th May as our year 8 students took up the challenge of creating and designing cultural outfits and promotional materials for a specific Country.  This was a chance for year 8 to work as enterprising businesses, taking on roles of Marketing Directors and Creative Designers in order to compete for the overall top spot.  Staff and students worked hard all day, creating a sketch book of marketing materials, promotional posters and possible clothing designs to present to the judges at the end of the day. The 10 teams involved worked extremely hard to produce an iMovie and 2 outfits each which were shown in a ‘fashion show’ at the end of the day.

The staff and students that were involved commented on what a big success the day had been and what an enjoyable time had been had by all.  A big congratulations to Miss Linney’s group whose team working skills throughout the day, alongside a flawless pitch to the audience caught the eye of the judges to become the overall winning team!