Useful Documents


North Yorkshire has issued new guidelines on managing the healthcare needs of students. As a result we now require more information from you when you wish your child to bring any medication into school. We regret that if these guidelines are not followed then we will be unable to accept the medication for your child to take.

Please read the Medical letter and complete the required Medical Forms and return to Student Services with the medication.




Following a lengthy consultation the government has decided that from September 2013, schools will no longer be able to authorise family holidays during term time except for ‘special circumstances’. If parents, carers, guardians do not have authorisation from the Headteacher in advance, it will be marked as an unauthorised, the Local Authority will be informed and a penalty notice may be issued.

Taking a two week holiday during term time reduces a child’s possible attendance by 5% and it has been shown that there is a direct correlation between attendance and a child’s attainment. It is therefore vital that students attend school regularly and punctually.


Student Data Record

If any personal details change it is important to let the school know as soon as possible. This can be done by completing a blank SDR form or asking your child to collect one with the current information we hold from Student Services. 

Parent Portal & Arbor App

A guide to getting started with the new Parent Portal and Arbor App.