

Subject Information Overview

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Area Staff
Exam information for GCSE
qualifications in this Subject Area


Curriculum Area Staff

Jon Smith
Katie Steingold

Jennie White
Craig Walton

Should you require more information about this subject area please contact:

Name: Mr J Smith
Position: Associate Assistant Principal


Curriculum Information

The aim of the Creative I-Media Curriculum is to enable students to plan and create digital artefacts to a professional standard. The course requires you to create two projects. The first one is a mandatory one worth 25% of the marks. Students have to create a brand identity and a digital graphic which contains the identity (in the form of an advert or similar). Students then have to then do a secondary project that is worth 35% of the mark. It will be picked for the students from a choice of projects that is offered that particular year. Projects include things like creating a character and comic, creating an interactive multimedia product or planning and creating a website. Students must then sit an exam worth 40% which covers aspects of the digital media industry.

By the end of the course, students should be able to use their imaginations to envisage a finished product. They will have been taught how to plan using mind-maps and visualisations. They will then be able work independently to create their products using industry standard software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Students will learn:

  • To use independent thought to envisage and create digital artefacts to a professional standard.
  • To understand how to use Gantt charts to be able to accurately quote a customer for the materials and time needed to create a digital artefact.
  • To have a sound understanding of all the tools needed to plan a digital artefact (Storyboards, Visualisations, mind-maps, Gantt charts to name a few).
  • To be able to use the software needed to create digital artifact (Photoshop, Illustrator, and PowerPoint amongst others).
  • To be a reflective practitioner that can learn from their short comings and mistakes, addressing these in the second project.


Curriculum Overview

Below is a summary overview of the topics and their content that will be studied in each term by each year group. For more information about each topic, get your child to visit learning journeys and resources on the school online learning platform - Ready Steady Learn.

Year Group Term 1 Term 2 Term 3

R094 - Visual identity and digital graphics

This term we will plan and create our visual identities. We will create a suitable brand from our project brief. We will learn about the planning documents required to put together a static digital graphic and we will understand the difference between raster and vector graphics.

R094- Visual idenitiy and digital graphic.

In this term we will create the digital graphic we have planned in term1. We will then hand it in for marking, to complete the first piece of coursework for this qualification. We will learn how to use programs like photoshop to create the profesional product that has been laid out in the project brief. 

R093 - Creative iMedia in the Media industry

In this unit we will study the media industry and all the different careers that are available within it. We will learn about all the planning and preperation needed to create moving and static products. We will learn how to create scripts, storyboards, moodboards, visualisations, spider diagrams, gant charts, stucture charts and many more. this is done in preperation for the first mock exam.

Assessment details

R094 - First Project

Progress is formally checked at the end of each task and students are reminded of what is expected, if they have fallen short. Improvement time is then given. After the unit is completed, it is formally assessed and moderated before handing it in for marking by the examiner.


R093 - Exam Content

Work will be formatively assessed as it is produced in class and some peer marking will be done. At the end of each half term, summative tests will be done using exam questions from previous papers. A Mock exam will be undertaken during year 10.



R095 - Characters and Comics

In this term we put in practice all  the planning skills we have learned in the R093 unit to create Comic strip. We will plan and create a character that can be used in a short visual story. 

R095 - Characters and Comics

Here we will bring our Comic strips to life,  using the character we have created. This will be done in line with the project brief and the planning documents we have created. It will be suitable for the audience identified in the project breif. We will  then review the success of our product and identify any areas that we could have improved upon. The finished product will be then prepared for hand in.

R093 - Creative iMedia in the Media industry

We will now revise everything that we have learned and prepare for the exams. We will also look at our coursework to see if we have done the maximum we possibly can to achieve the best possible result.

Assessment details

R095 - Second Project

Progress is formally checked at the end of each task and students are reminded of what is expected, if they have fallen short. Improvement time is then given. After the unit is completed, it is formally assessed and moderated before handing it in for marking by the examiner.


R093 - Exam Content Revision

Revision exercises will be undertaken and peer marked. 2 further mocks will be done, marked and the results will be feedback to the class. Any weaknesses will be revised before the final test is done at the end of year 11.




A Knowledge Rich Curriculum at Selby High School

Research around memory suggests that if knowledge is studied once and not revisited or revised, it is not stored in the long-term memory.  This means that after one lesson, or revising for one test, the knowledge will not be retained unless it is studied again.  It won’t be recalled unless it is revisited frequently, which will embed it in the long term memory.  In the long term this makes recall far easier.  As part of home learning, students should be revising what they have been taught recently but also content they were taught previously.  Therefore as part of our strategy to embed learning over time we have started to develop knowledge organisers across all year groups and curriculum areas. These will provide key content and knowledge  allowing students to pre-learn and re-learn, a vital part of processing all the information required to be successful in the new style GCSE’s.

Instructions for using your knowledge organisers

KS3 = Years 7, 8 & 9
KS4 = Years 10 & 11

Below are the knowledge organisers for each topic in this subject.  These knowledge organisers will become embedded in the Learning Journeys for each topic as they are created on Ready Steady Learn.

Coming soon

Exam information for GSCE qualifications in this subject area

Click each link below to view the full specification:

Year 10 2022 - J834 (Cambridge Nationals Creative Media)

  • R093 - Creative iMedia in the media industry
  • R094 - Visual identity and digital graphics
  • R095 - Characters and Comics