Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
SENCO: Mrs Elizabeth Lockhart
Tel: 01757 244822
Email: ec@selbyhigh.co.uk
Selby High School SEND information report 2024-2025
SEND Inclusion Award for Schools - SENDIA
As a school we continue to review and quality assure our SEND provision on a regular basis to ensure the best possible approach is in place for our students. In order to ensure the best practice possible, the school is currently undertaking the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Inclusion Award (SENDIA).
The SENDIA has 8 key objectives which offer schools the opportunity to review, develop and gain accreditation for their provision for children with SEND.
Compliant with the SEND Code of Practice, the SENDIA framework focuses on removing barriers to learning through early identification, inclusive teaching and leadership.
Objective 1: Commitment
The school demonstrates a commitment to achieving and maintaining the SEND Inclusion Award, including informing relevant stakeholders.
Objective 2: Policy and practice
The school’s SEND policy and practice is compliant with legislation and DfE guidance and promotes an inclusive ethos.
Objective 3: Leadership and management
There is a strong and effective leadership and management of SEND provision.
Objective 4: Teaching and learning
Everyday teaching and learning for pupils with SEND is good or better.
Objective 5: Identification
There is an effective system for identifying pupils’ special educational needs.
Objective 6: Pupil involvement
Pupils are actively involved in decision-making about, and the delivery of, their own SEND provision/support.
Objective 7: Parental involvement
Parents are actively involved in decision-making about, and the delivery of, their children’s SEND provision/support.
Objective 8: Staff CPD
The school is committed to providing high-quality, on-going CPD on SEND.
A vital component of the Award is to collect the views and opinions of key stakeholders associated with the school. This includes students with SEND, parents of students with SEND, teachers & governors. The stakeholder surveys are completed at the start of the award process and then completed again closer to completion. The aim is to see an increase in areas highlighted as amber or red by following a bespoke, strategic action plan which has been drawn up based on the feedback received.
Results are scored out of 5 and each average score has been colour coded as below:
Red = 1.0-2.9, Amber = 3.0-3.9, Green = 4.0-5.0
Any amber or red scores indicate areas that need further examination and development with the relevant stakeholder group/s. Please be aware that low respondent numbers can skew results, both positively and negatively.
Parents | Score |
No. of responses | 46 |
Q1 I have been informed about the award and what is involved. | 3.3 |
Q2 My child enjoys being at this school and is included in all aspects of school life. | 2.8 |
Q3 I can speak to the SENCO when I need to and feel that the school is doing all it can to ensure my child is making good progress. | 3 |
Q4 The teachers and teaching assistants ensure that my child learns and encourages his/her independence. | 3 |
Q5 My child’s needs are understood and effective support is in place. | 3 |
Q6 My child understands his/her targets and is included in decisions made about his/her support. | 3.2 |
Q7 I am involved in decisions about my child. | 3.2 |
Q8 I am confident in the teachers’ abilities to meet my child’s learning needs. | 2.9 |
Overall average | 3.05 |
Students | Score |
No. of responses | 25 |
Q1 I know about the award and how I can help my school to get it. | 1.8 |
Q2 I can join in with all kinds of activities in school and go on school visits. | 3 |
Q3 I know who to go to when I need help or if there is bullying. | 3.2 |
Q4 I enjoy lessons and feel that I can always ‘have a go’ at the learning activities. | 2.7 |
Q5 I get extra help with my learning which helps me to do well. | 2.3 |
Q6 I am included in decisions about my support in school. | 2.6 |
Q7 My parents meet with the teachers to decide about my support and find out how well I’m doing. | 3.3 |
Q8 All of my teachers know how to help me in lessons. | 2.6 |
Overall average | 2.69 |
Teachers | Score |
No. of responses | 47 |
Q1 I have been informed about the award and what is involved. | 4.1 |
Q2 I understand school policy and my responsibilities in relation to pupils with SEND. | 4.6 |
Q3 The SENCO is effective in sharing information and expertise with staff. | 4.2 |
Q4 I use a range of effective strategies to meet different learning needs – including ICT and the targeted deployment of teaching assistants. | 3.9 |
Q5 I use progress tracking data to inform my planning for pupils with SEND. | 4.1 |
Q6 I involve pupils effectively in decisions about their learning and achievement. | 3.7 |
Q7 I communicate regularly with parents of pupils with SEND to discuss targets and progress. | 3 |
Q8 I regularly update my professional development concerning SEND and inclusion. | 3.6 |
Overall average | 3.9 |
Governors | Score |
No. of responses | 4 |
Q1 I have been informed about the award and what it involves. | 4.5 |
Q2 The school has a clear and comprehensive SEND and inclusion policy. | 4.8 |
Q3 The SENCO provides information for governors about provision and outcomes for SEND pupils. | 5 |
Q4 Teachers use effective strategies to meet different learning needs, including support from outside agencies. | 4.3 |
Q5 Tracking data and appropriate assessments are used to identify SEN and inform planning. | 4.5 |
Q6 Pupils are involved in decisions about their learning and achievement. | 3.8 |
Q7 There is effective communication with parents of pupils with SEND to discuss targets and progress. | 4.5 |
Q8 I have received training on SEND and inclusion. | 4 |
Overall average | 4.425 |
SEND Training Courses
Unlocking SEMH for Parents/ Carers
Unlocking Autism Plus Modules for Parents & Carers - PDA
Unlocking Autism Plus Modules for Parents & Carers - Girls
Unlocking Autism Plus Modules for Parents & Carers - Identity
Unlocking Autism Plus Modules for Parents & Carers - Selective Mutism
Helping Your Child Make a Choice
Unlocking Autism for practitioners, Parents and carers of young people