Name : Mr C Jones
Position: Faculty & Curriculum Area Leader
Email address:
Maths Curriculum Overview
maths website curriculum overview sept 2021.pdf
Curriculum Intent:
Our aim is for all our students to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. In order to do this they must be able to:
- Rapidly and accurately recall and apply facts and concepts
- Develop a growing confidence to reason mathematically
- Develop the ability to apply maths to solve problems, to conjecture and to test hypotheses.
We aim to achieve this through our interleaving curriculum, in which we continually teach, develop, review and recap content. Prior knowledge is ascertained through retrieval tasks to ensure pupils are consistently building upon their current understanding. Throughout both key stages, differentiation is key to ensure access for all.
During Key Stage 3 students follow programmes of study developed around the National Curriculum. Throughout this time, students will undertake study in four main areas of mathematics.
Number: Students will work on their arithmetic skills and develop their understanding of directed numbers. They are given the opportunity to learn about fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion and learn how to apply this knowledge in real life situations.
Handling Data: Various types of statistical projects are carried out during KS3. Students learn how to make valuable comparisons between distributions and to analyse and report their findings clearly and accurately.
Shape and Space: Students are encouraged to investigate properties of 2D and 3D shapes and build upon previous knowledge. They will often work with other students to share ideas and find rules in areas such as area and volume. Students will meet new concepts such as Pythagoras and Trigonometry at the higher levels during KS3.
Algebra: Knowledge of numerical operations is used to move students on to algebraic processes. Within their algebra work students will learn about the use of symbols and mathematical generalisations. They will learn to write and use formulae, solve equations and use graphs to represent real – life situations.
Students’ functional skills are developed when they have to solve problems by deciding on the most appropriate maths to apply to a given situation.
Students are taught in groups of similar abilities with regular assessment in place to ensure that movement between groups occurs when appropriate.
Pupil progress is regularly assessed by tracking performance and understanding in lessons and with formal testing at key times in the year. Students are encouraged from the start of year 7 to develop their own skills in independent study and revision. In addition, has become a useful tool for aiding this and is used for homework tasks.
During KS4 all students will follow a GCSE course which they will study at either foundation or higher tier.
We are currently following the OCR GCSE Mathematics 9-1 syllabus (J560) with years 10 and 11. Student progress is tracked carefully to ensure students study at an appropriate level. (Other options are made available for the small minority of students for whom the GCSE course is unsuitable.)
The course taken by students during KS4 will allow them to consolidate previous learning and then to extend their learning further in the areas mentioned above. During KS4, students are encouraged to think carefully about the applications of mathematics. The work that they do allows them to see where mathematics is used in daily life. For example, number skills will be developed while considering areas such as personal finance and budgeting. Students are encouraged to develop their skills in mathematical thinking through the use of algebra.
Students are also given the opportunity to study at a higher level with the AQA Further Mathematics course. This course is particularly suited for students who intend to study mathematics at A-Level and beyond but is also valuable for those students who enjoy new challenges and are keen to develop skills in new areas. The Further Mathematics course introduces students to areas such as calculus and matrices while extending on their previous algebra and geometry work.
Personal development/ Cultural Capital/ Extra Curricular Opportunities
IFS Student Investor Challenge
Students at Selby High now regularly take part in this challenge which offers students aged 14 and above to compete against other teams in investing a virtual £100,000 creating a successful trade portfolio.
UKMT Intermediate and Junior Maths Challenge.
Every year many students take part in these challenges. Students have met with much success over recent years with some reaching European rounds.
UKMT Team Challenge
We enter teams of Y8/Y9 students into the team challenge where they will asked to test their mathematical skills and knowledge against some of the best young mathematicians in York and North Yorkshire. The department offer lunchtime and after school sessions in the run up to these competitions. During these sessions students explore new areas of mathematics and will be given the opportunity to join in quizzes and competitions.
After School Revision
All students in Y11 can get additional help with their maths studies after school on a Tuesday. Some students attend now and again in order to get help with a specific issue. Other students attend these drop-in sessions more regularly to boost their classroom studies.
First Lego League Challenge
For the last couple of years the department is entering a team of students to compete in the competition, which involves building and programming Lego robots, researching real life tasks and working to a set of core values. Lunchtime and after-school sessions are available to support the team.