Results Day 2021
It was fantastic to welcome year 11 students to receive their Teacher Assessed Grades in their GCSE and Vocational subjects this morning. There were lots of smiling faces as students celebrated their achievements.
Following the cancellation of formal GCSE examinations for the 2021 series, year 11 students at Selby High School sat a series of assessments in all of their subjects, which contributed to their final grades. These grades were then checked against a national standard and approved by the exam boards.
Students performed well across the full range of subjects. In spite of the restrictions in the pandemic, Selby High was able to run the full suite of subjects. As well as great results in English, Maths and Science, and the EBACC subjects of History, Geography and languages, students were able to excel in Business, Sociology, PE, Art, Textiles, Engineering and Drama to name a few.
Principal Nick Hinchliffe said,
I’d like to pass on a huge congratulations to students and staff on their successes today. It has been a challenging year in many ways, and the Teacher Assessed Grades were very rigorous and involved a lot of work and commitment from everybody involved. Our year 11 students were great role models throughout the year, showed real determination, and thoroughly deserve the excellent results that they have achieved today.