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Curriculum impact

At Selby High School, our curriculum will:

  • Use assessment effectively to check understanding and inform teaching;
  • Consider the best assessment methods, in different cases, in each subject – not testing for the sake of testing;
  • Review how we know that students are making progress, checking that the curriculum is meeting the needs of all students, and is progressively more challenging;
  • Consider how effectively students are responding to, and acting upon, the feedback they receive and how common misconceptions are addressed;
  • Select the best methods to ensure that learning is embedded in long term memory;
  • Consider how we measure the wider impact of the curriculum;
  • Make sure that the sequence of learning is carefully though-out so that it builds on prior learning and lays the foundations for future learning;
  • Give students the opportunities to learn about the World in which they live, developing an appreciation and a level of respect for the values and beliefs of others;
  • Guide students to make educated choices for their next steps and beyond, gaining qualifications that will allow them to access future employment;
  • Be regularly reviewed, including through student voice.