Work Experience

Selby High School provides Work Experience for all Year 10 pupils for one week in the summer term. This will take place on the final week of term, week commencing 13th July 2020. The aim of our Work Experience programme is to provide students with the opportunity to encounter the world of work and to provide them with an experience that will help them to make informed future career choices. Students immerse themselves within a working environment for an extended period of time enabling them to gain first-hand knowledge of what a particular job involves. The work experience allows them to demonstrate and record employability skills outside of the school environment and can therefore assist with gaining valuable social skills as well as being an aid towards choosing a suitable career.

We work with the North Yorkshire Business Education Partnership (NYBEP) to organise our work experience programme. Further information on how we manage and operate work experience can be found in the following Work Experience Policy and NYBEP publications:

Work Experience Policy

Guidance for Employers 2019

NYBEP Guidelines for the Management of Work Related Learning Placements, 2016:
Part 1- Policy
Part 2- Process

Example of a completed Work Experience Journal